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IndiaReads: a new era of library culture! There is something very special about libraries: lots and lots of books gathered in one place, waiting to be chosen and read. They go from one reader to the next, and maybe you could say that they are some sort of messengers that want to be held in as many hands as possible. And even on a less philosophical level, libraries have their perks: you don’t have to spend as much money. You can try out new books just like that, without the regrets of having spent money on them (in case you don’t like them) afterwards. And your own four walls don’t get cramped up with every single book you have read. But what if you took all of those benefits of a regular library – and add even more on top of them? What if you didn’t even have to leave the house to get your books – but instead have them delivered to your doorstep? What if you didn’t have due dates, either?

Welcome to IndiaReads – an online library
At IndiaReads, you can choose whatever kind of book you like from a huge variety. This is especially useful if you’re living in a smaller city, for example, and your city’s library – if there is any – isn’t that well-stocked. Reading the same books over and over again while waiting for new releases can get really frustrating… Also, you shouldn’t underestimate the benefit in terms of comfort: if you don’t live that close to a library, getting there can be really bothersome: you might not be able to go there whenever you want – just think about business hours! IndiaReads offers a solution for that: you can order books online whenever and wherever you want – on the go, at home, but always without having the hassle of getting through the whole city just because you want something to read. The books will get delivered to your doorstep after only 2 business days; and when the delivery fellow arrives at your doorstep to give you your new books, he will pick up those you have lent before at the same time! That means no due date, no sending back books, and no hassle!

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